Nomin Card NBFI

Help you today, tomorrow and every day

Nomin Card NBFI was founded in 2002. It is now in its 21st year of operation. We focus on the products and services we provide to our customers with operational quality, promptness and reliability. We have launched a major fintech project based on artificial intelligence in order to provide our customers with the most innovative and advanced technological solution products and services. For example, we are implementing projects such as "Buy Now, Pay Later" merchant e-loan and e-payment tool, which allows customers to pay in 6 installments without interest when they purchase the goods they want.

Номин Карт ББСБ нь  харилцагчдадаа тулгарч буй санхүүгийн анханшатны асуудалд мэргэжлийн  зөвлөгөө өгч санхүүгийн боломжид нь тулгуурласан хамгийн уян хатан нөхцөл бүхий түргэн шуурхай шийдвэрлэх зээлийн бүх төрлийн үйлчилгээ үзүүлдэг.

Key Information
Total Partners


Quick loan: Short-term home, real estate, and car mortgage loans to meet your financial needs

Business loans: Loans for meeting the financial needs for your business expansion.

Car leasing: Loans for customers who want to buy a car for personal use

Consumer loans: Low-interest long-term and short-term loans for the purchase of goods and products for household use

Reasons to choose us:

Easy: Our friendly staff will always be happy to provide you with quick loan services

Smarter: We provide you with artificial intelligence-based fintech loan services

Low interest rate: We will offer you the lowest possible interest rate in the market

Term length: The loan term is relatively long and you can choose the term that suits your needs